I've decided it's time. Not to just enjoy a bit of blood sport, but to spill a bit of my own. As you'll already know by visiting this page, I've decided to put myself through contender boxing training which ends in an actual fight on March 8th. Over the next few weeks I'm going to be questioning my life choices and why I'm so content with being hit in the face, and getting ready for the battering of my life. I'd encourage anyone to either come along and witness my thrashing or to donate to charity from the safety of your home. Either way it's a win-win situation...
If you want to come and see my demise you can purchase tickets here: Women's Edition - Virgin and Big Fight Ticket page at The Clapham Grand, London on 8th Mar 2023 | Fatsoma
If you would like to throw me a bone in the form of a charity donation then you've found the right page!
Thank you!