rg+p has pledged to support students from the University of Nottingham as they design and build a new creche in Limpopo, South Africa.
Every year for the past decade, the design + build studio at the University of Nottingham has worked in partnership with South African-based charities, Education Africa and the Thusanang Trust to help remote and rural communities provide facilities for local children. For 2019-2020, the studio is working to design and build an upgraded facility to accommodate 30 children at the Malahlela Creche in the Limpopo province.
Architect, Laura Davison and Chartered Architectural Technologist, Tahir Caratella are supporting students with technical and design advice, producing working drawings, specifying materials, and will spend two weeks out in South Africa to help with construction on site.
The Malahlela creche requires £120,000 funding to complete, with this being split approximately 70% on build costs and 30% on long-term benefits including electricity and water sources. Students and businesses are asked to raise as much as they can individually, so please give as generously as possible.