Right, well the reason why i am doing Race for Life is purely because i have lost people from cancer and have therefore been hugely affected by it. So i would like to raise money to help make a difference, and hopefully in a few years to come, they will be able to find a cure for that horrible disease that took my amazing Auntie Natalie and Grandad George away from me. My Auntie was 33 when she passed, leaving behind 2 beautiful boys... and i dont want anyone to ever go through what they or anyone else went through.
But from all you wonderful people donating money to Cancer Research, scientists/researchers have been able to find some form of cure for certain cancers which allowed Doctor's to treat my Grandad and my Oma (German nan), leaving them alive and well.
I know it sounds like a sob story, but its all true and i just want you to get some idea of what people all over the world have been through and are going through now.
So please, even if you havent been affected by cancer yourself, please help those who have! Anything will be hugely appreciated by not just me, but by all those who have suffered and those who watched their loved ones be taken away from them!!
Thank you
Sarah :) x