Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my Race for Life fundraising page. I know that we are all asked to donate to all sorts of different charities all of the time. But I really do believe that the work cancer research do is invaluable and affects us all…I’d really appreciate it if you would take a few moments to read a little more about the work that Cancer Research UK does:
- ONE in THREE of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime.
- Every year more than a QUARTER OF A MILLION people are newly diagnosed with cancer.
- Cancer Research UK are the world's leading independent organisation dedicated to cancer research.
- Cancer Research UK has been at the forefront of progress in cancer research for over a century:
- In the 1990s, their scientists found that giving the drug, tamoxifen to all breast cancer patients who need it, whatever their age, could save an extra 20,000 lives each year worldwide.
- They have identified several cancer susceptibility genes. For example, in 1995, their scientists helped discover the breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA2.
- Their work has contributed to the development of national screening programmes for cancer, saving thousands of lives.
- In the year 2006/2007 Cancer Research’s total scientific spend was £315 million.
- Cancer Research UK is almost entirely funded by donations from the public.
- Cancer Research UK has ten goals that they aim to accomplish by 2020, these include:
1. The number of smokers will fall dramatically – Four million fewer adults will be smokers, preventing thousands of new cases of cancer every year
2. Cancer will be diagnosed earlier – Two-thirds of all cancer cases will be diagnosed at a stage when the cancer can be successfully treated
3. We will understand how cancer starts and develops – We will have a detailed understanding of the causes and changes in the body in two-thirds of all cases of cancer
4. There will be better treatments with fewer side effects – Treatments that accurately target the cancer and have few serious side effects will be available for at least half of all patients
5. More people will survive cancer – Survival rates for all common cancers will increase, with more than two-thirds of newly-diagnosed patients living for at least five years
Just think how many lives could be saved if these goals can be achieved?
Cancer affects every single one of us, so achieving these goals would improve life for us all. But Cancer Research UK can only achieve these goals if we continue to support them in funding their life saving work. After all it is our lives that their work might one day save.
So I would like to ask you to sponsor me in running the Race for Life. I’m taking part as a testament to how proud I am of my Dad for how brave he has been and continues to be in his battle against Cancer.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me - Cancer Research UK will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, at least an extra 25% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you when you tick the Gift Aid box.
So please donate whatever you can afford, every help counts
TOGETHER we WILL beat cancer
Thank you so so very much from myself and on behalf of every other person who has ever had their life touched by cancer.
Liza xXx