Hi Guys !!!!!
Yep, it's that time again when us girlies get an opportunity to get together, dress up, have a celebratory p*ss up and BBQ. Hmmm, something is missing from that list... oh yes... RACE FOR LIFE 2011 WOOOO HOOOOO.
So let's all get together and have some fun but most importantly raise some much needed cash for Cancer Research UK. This horrible disease is still affecting far too many of us and every single day peoples hearts are being broken when given the god awful news that them themsleves or someone they love has Cancer.
Please, PLEASE, be kind enough to sponsor myself or someone you know whom is taking the time out to raise the much needed funds for such a worthwhile cause.
I don't mind if you sponsor me £1 or £100 but every single penny is vital to help save lives and go to researching this disease.
I don't care who you are but we all know someone who has passed away, living with or has survived Cancer so what the hell are you waiting for, SPONSOR ME NOW !!
(I promise all monies will go to Cancer Research UK and not to help the funds of the BBQ and drinks after the run)
Thank you for visiting my page and an extra large thank you if you took time out to sponsor me.
I wish I could list everyone but this one is for my wonderful Aunt Jean who sadly lost her fight a few years back, my dad and gran who are survivors and also for a friend who is just beginning to take a walk down this long bumpy path. So I am sending tons of love and positive thoughts your way and will be there always for you.
June 5th in Glasgow, here we come !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Together we can beat Cancer.
Much Love