Date Valley School is an independent Muslim schools in South London and the only school in the locality focusing on Quran memorisation. Offering a specialist intensive Hifdh programme to those that choose to pursue the path of memorisation during the primary school years.
This fundraising is for 3 primary reasons:
1. To offer more bursaries so that children from lower income backgrounds can afford to bring their children to the school
.2. To invest in staff through training and appropriate wages leading to effective recruitment and retention which leads to higher standards of teaching.
3. To develop a training centre for Quran teachers
We need to ensure that we as a Muslim community support such institutions and make it fit for purpose for the next generation.
The Prophet said: "When a person dies, his works end, expect for three: ongoing charity, knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him." (Muslim,A-Tirmidhi.)
Please can you kindly donate little as £10:00 or what ever you can give. Any donations will be a source of continuous reward (sadadaqah jaariyah) for the donor even after their death, In’Sha’Allah.
Remember giving dose not decrease your wealth.
Please remember me & my sister in your Dua’s.
Jazakallahu Khairan