The Staff member with the highest monetary amount of donations will be the winner (or loser) to get a pie to the face. NOT number of votes eg: 5 votes of £1 just adds £5 to that persons total amount of donations. Please don't hide the donation amount! you can still remain anonymous but we will need to know how much money you have voted.
Whoever gets pied will also win a personalised prize, so no need to feel guilty!
Ready, set, get voting!!
We’re fundraising for Red Nose Day because...• £5 could pay to get 20 meals to vulnerable children and families in the UK• £10 could provide 20 reading books for children in community learning centres in Northern Uganda, where free pre-school services are very limited• £20 could provide a supportive coffee morning for families in the UK to share advice on caring for their child’s mental health. Don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid option, if you can, so Comic Relief can claim an extra 25% from the government. From everyone at Nuffield Health, thank you. You’re wonderful.