Bertie was born with severe jaundice, which was soon disgnosed as Biliary Atresia, a serious liver disorder that requires a transplant. Since his birth in 2008 the Childrens Liver Disease Foundation have been a constant source of information, support and comfort to his parents Alice and Chris, as well as providing a unique opportunity for them to get together with other families who have children with similar conditions.
In July of this year Bertie’s liver started to deteriorate quickly, much quicker than anticipated, and his condition meant that they could no longer wait for a match on the transplant list. Thankfully Alice was a match, and so on the 28th July he finally got a new liver when his mum donated a lobe from her own liver. So far it is working well, and his mum is fine too, but Bertie has to stay in hospital for several weeks after the operation to recover.
I have seen first hand how this charity really helps families so any donation, no matter how small, will help them continue to provide information and support for parents plus the many other invaluable services they provide, like helping affected families go away on holiday together and providing a voice for young people diagnosed with liver disease.
As you probably know, I’m not much of a runner!! Completing the GNR will be a massive personal achivement as well as being something positive for Bertie and the CLDF that has helped him so much, so GET DONATING!