My brother, to me, is the most incredible human being.
He had a terrible accident at the age of 14 which resulted in him being
paralysed. I thought that would be his life done, finished. No happiness could come of this.
He has proven just how strong he is time and time again. He got through what would be the toughest time of any bodies life.
He now has an amazing time coaching the London Wheelchair Rugby Club and has very big things planned for it. The LWR has brought so much to his life and those involved in it.
As the LWR club is a charity is relies solely on donations. That is where I come in!
I am partaking in 'DRY JANUARY'. For anyone that knows me knows just how much I love wine, so it will be a massive challenge for me.
Please donate anything you can, no matter how little, it all helps. My
brother and his team mates will continue smashing Wheelchair Rugby!!
❤️Rebecca Nuth.
"LondonWRC is one of the clubs in London and the surrounding areas. We aim to provide opportunities through wheelchair rugby for disabled people at a social level all the way up to Paralympic glory.
By being alcohol free, for the whole of January, Rebecca is raising funds for equipment such as gloves, straps and much needed inner tubes. Along with saving a lot of wine!
Your donation will help us continue to provide these opportunities. Thank you."
Craig Streeter.