I fundraised for The Wallich in 2018 just because I believed in the difference they were making, and now, 4 years later I’ve come full circle and am proudly working full-time at The Wallich as regional fundraiser for North Wales. I decided to fundraise again for The Wallich, because I figured if I’m going to be asking supporters to raise money for us, I should probably do it myself too.
A bit more about The Wallich below.
Thank you to anyone for reading and for donating, you're amazing.
The Wallich is doing something about homelessness. They operate under three core objectives: getting people off the streets; keeping people off the streets; and creating opportunities for people. They believe that everyone deserves the right to a home, but more than that, that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future. Please sponsor me today and ensure The Wallich continues to offer a lifeline to people sleeping rough, helping them to take their first step out of homelessness.