This last year several of my closest friends and one of my family members have been affected by cancer, either being diagnosed themselves, having a family member be diagnosed and even sadly losing loved ones to this disease. So this September I'm quitting the drink in order to raise money for Cancer Research UK and to help bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. Anyone who knows me will probably know that social drinking is something I do very well. I'm a bit of a seasoned professional at it actually, so you can see that this is going to be a deal.
Here's the bit where I ask for money. If you can give anything for this great cause that would be amazing. Anything at all. Even if it's the same as the cost of a pint in your local. In return I vow not to touch a drop of alcohol for a whole month, and there will be people watching me like hawks to make sure I stay on the straight and narrow. Believe me. You'll also be able to laugh at photo's of me drinking fruit juice when all my friends are bladdered. That'll be entertaining. I promise.
Thank you for reading and hopefully also for supporting Cancer Research UK.