The RBKares team is proud to be continuing its support of Kingston Hospital by entering a few of the team in the hospital’s first Night to Remember walk on 10th September. Our team comprises Tony Goshawk aka Tony’s fruit stall, Gloria Bernal, Kiara Bernal, Jane Dispaine, Rog Green, Tess Green, Sara Grimshaw, Amanda Hennessy, Mayuran Janarthan, Jackie Jillings, Andrew Kenyon, Kate Kenyon, Sam Lord, Cris Lovell-Smith, Hilary Metcalfe, Laura Metcalfe, Ian Price, despo Stevens, Jon Stevens and Josie Vinney.Throughout the pandemic Rbkares and Sewing4kingston sewed, washed, sourced, packed and delivered 50,000 items of PPE to the hospitals, care homes and other front line workers in the borough. As life slowly returned to normal RBKares set up as a charity to support those in need within our community. Activities included giving 800 ‘Kindness Kits’ to those needing a boost, providing a bit of support or a Thank You to people in the community, sourcing items needed by refugees or homeless people in the borough, making ‘fidget mats’ to distract those with anxiety and currently making and filling 200 bags to say thank you to our young carers. RBKares has a received a grant from the Majonzi fund to support this event with refreshments and our volunteers are busy knitting Hearts for participants to take with them in memory of those they are remembering on their walk. There will be cards to write a message to those being remembered which will be hung on a tree at at the start of the walk. These will be lino prints of the ‘Hamza hand of Hope’ that were made by pupils at Tolworth Girls School for a project we did for our local CAMHs in 2021.Many of us have lost someone important to us over the last couple of years - or know someone who has been bereaved - and we will all be remembering and celebrating those lives on this walk. This walk is will raise funds to improve the care Kingston hospital is able to provide to bereaved families. Please support us and the bereavement services at Kingston Hospital if you can. Thank you.