Asalam Alykum. Insha’Allah i will be taking part in Love Luton run on the 31/10/2021 to support Masjid Bilal
Your donations will dictate how much i run. Bi Izni’llah if we go over my £1000 target. Insha’Allah i will try and complete half marathon. I know you would prefer me to run more. So please donate generously. Please visit Masjid Bilal website to see for yourself how much has been achieved by your donations so far and Insha’Allah with Allah SWT’s blessing this Masjid will be completed.
Works have begun on the Upper Floor of our new Masjid. We need to raise £25,000 immediately to help us pay for the roof. The current roof is at the end of it's life and has fallen into disrepair which is preventing us from moving into the Masjid.
Jazak’Allah for your donations and ongoing support over the years on various project.
“Earn a house in Jannah by building a house of Allah SWT in this world”