Running Tokyo 2014 presents me with many challenges, none the least the five hour flight to reach Tokyo on a Friday night! I'm running for pride and to push my body to the limit this year, challenging myself to run my second marathon in sub four. Whilst this is normal I guess, for those of you who don't know I suffer from a genetic mutation which leaves me with a rather odd form of diabetes. I hope this provides a bit of context as to why I'm running for Diabetes UK. By 2025 more than 5 million people are expected to be diagionsed as Diabeteic. As a condition which is controlled not only by genes, but also by lifestyle and environemental factors, I hope my marathon campaign will help to raise awareness of the condiiton, even if it should just be on a small scale!
I'm running to prove I can to myself and others - including the children whom I teach. I'm running to prove I'm tough, mentally and physically. Living on the other side of the world to my friends and family is hard, but not as hard as my training so far without their immediate support has been. Tokyo is my time to find my stride, my pace and my limit.
For those of you who should wish to follow my training to victory (and hopefullt not to my demise), follow the link below! I'm currenlty a member of Team Asics: Runners Around the Globe, and will be blogging over the last 6 weeks of pain!
Thank you in advance for your support to both myself and Diabetes UK!
:-) xx