Rachel Harrison

Rachel's 14 challenges for 2014

Fundraising for Crohn’s & Colitis UK
raised of £1,000 target
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In memory of Matthew Lowndes
Crohn’s & Colitis UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1117148
We offer information, support and research to people affected by Crohn's and Colitis


I have decided to take on 14 challenges this year to raise money for Crohns and Colitis UK, I’ve already completed 5 and had a few more planned to decided to round it up to 14 for 2014. Some of the challenges I will be taking on alone and some I will be taking part alongside an amazing bunch of people, The Matadors!!! The challenges are

 1)Liverpool Spring 10k- 4/5/14 (done)

2) Port Sunlight 10k- 11/5/14 (done)

3) Liverpool Rock N Roll Half Marathon- 25/5/14 (done)

4) Tandem Skydive-31/5/14 (done)

5) Mersey Tunnel 10k-8/6/14 (done)

6) Invigor8 Tour de France Challenge (run, walk, row of cycle as much of TDF course as possible during July) (done)

7) Liverpool Women's 10k- 26/7/14 (done)

8) Great North Run-7/9/14 (done)

9) Tough Mudder-13/9/14 (done)

10)Run on Dye Liverpool 5k-20/9/14

11) Southport Seaside 10K- 28/9/14

12) Wirral Half Marathon-12/10/14

13) Southport Sandgrounder 10K- 16/11/14

14) Liverpool Santa Dash 5K-7/12/14

So why on earth am I taking on these challenges?

On 27th July last year my whole world was tipped upside down when I lost one of the most important people in my life, the man I loved and the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, Matthew Lowndes. Matt was the love of my life and he really was one a kind, just one look at his massive smile would make you feel better no matter what. He had a heart of gold and made the world of everyone he knew a much happier and better place. I feel so lucky that I got to share so many happy memories with him and I got to love him but I feel even more privileged that he loved me back. He really was the most amazingly special young man I have ever known or ever will know and my life, like the lives of everyone who knew him will never be the same without him.

Matt suffered with Crohn’s disease but the whole time I was with him he never once let it get him down. He even managed to look on the positive side and told me at least he knew where all the best toilets where in town. He did suffer with it badly at times and I could tell when he was in pain or not feeling right and I'd panic and tell him off if he forgot to take his tablets but all he'd ever say to me was 'stop worrying about me babe, I'm fine'. Yet when I had mild case of gastritis he was constantly checking up on me and asking if I was okay, he even told me off for forgetting to take my tablets! But then that was Matt for you, always thinking of others first.

Crohn's and Colitis UK was a charity very close to his heart and he always said if he ever came into money or won the Euromillions (which he was absolutely convinced was going to happen) he’d donate to it. He always said that he really wished they could find a cure for it in his lifetime and although he is no longer here to see that wish become a reality we can help to get a step closer to it and he can still help to improve people’s live through us and the money we raise.

This is why myself and all of Matt’s family and friends (THE MATADORS) are so passionate about raising money for this amazing cause,we just want to make as big a difference as we can for him and raise as much awareness for Crohn’s and Colitis UK as we can along the way. The money raised will help to fund vital research into possible cures and better treatments and will help support those living with these conditions and help to make their lives better. If we can bring even a fraction of the happiness that Matt brought into my life into a person’s life who is suffering with crohn’s or colitis then that is more than worthwhile.

Everyone who knew him realised what a special person he was but for anyone who was not lucky enough to have known him well, then if 16 people jumping out a perfectly good plane plus all the other challenges people have taken on doesn't go to show what a truly amazing young man he was and how many lives he touched then I don’t know what does. Any donations you can give no matter how big or small will be greatly appreciated and I can’t put into words how much it will mean to us.

Thank You 

Rachel  xxx

About the charity

Crohn’s & Colitis UK

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1117148
We’re the UK’s leading charity for Crohn’s and Colitis. Right now, over 500,000 people in the UK are living with a lifelong disease that many people have never heard of. We’re working to improve diagnosis and treatment; to fund research and to raise awareness.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £303.25 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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