So I am running a marathon! Never did I think when I took up running 6 years ago that I would be running the London Marathon 6 years later. If anyone had said this to me 10 years ago, I would have laughed hysterically.
I love running, when I first started it didn’t take long for me to realise the mental, emotional and physical benefits running has and I will give everything to this, I know it means so much to Scope and the people they tirelessly support.
Even today in 2022, disabled people are treated as second class citizens in Britain. And progress isn't coming fast enough. Many disabled people face multiple levels of discrimination every day, and 40% of disabled people live in poverty. This inequality is simply wrong unjust and unfair. Its unacceptable disabled people are expected to put up with this. I won't put up with this.I'm running the 2023 London Marathon so all disabled people can live the life they choose, more independently and free from discrimination. Please support me in my mission to raise £2,000 for Scope.
Please, please, support me on this incredible journey and help make a difference to the lives of disabled people.