This page is for our gorgeous boy Charlie, Charlie was born on the 3rd February 2013 at 02.14am weighing 5lbs, 14oz but was so sadly born sleeping.
My husband James and i have set this page up as we believe that the charity "SANDS" does amazing work in helping parents cope with this most unnatural of situations.
We had Charlie in a dedicated SANDS unit at basingstoke hospital which is away from the normal Labour ward to make us more comfortable. the room was set up with a bed, kitchen, bathroom and my husband was able to stay the entire time, so everything could be done in one room including delivering our beautiful boy.
We had midwifes that were dedicated to just james and i and they were just amazing through the entire experience. We were not hurried and the room we were in was ours until we felt able to leave. giving us precious hours to spend with Charlie when he was born.
An amazing cause and i would plead everyone to give what they can so that there work in supporting parents through these awful times can continue not only was our hospital experience made better for it but the aftercare and support provided by SANDS is equally as important.