Thanks for taking the time to look at my just giving page!
On may 7th (my mums birthday lol) I will be running a half marathon in Varna, to raise money for the polyposis registry so that more research can be done into bowel cancer.
I am doing this because my dad has suffered for way too long with FAP and desmoid disease as well as bowel cancer, learning to many other health complications. Due to this, my family and I have had a very hard an long road and I want to raise awareness, and fund research into this type of disease so that potential treatments and hopefully cures can be created.
Running is my outlet, for when I feel stressed and upset in situations like I have faced throughout my dad's illnesses, and therefore I thought I would challenge myself to this run, for my daddy!
Please donate, and remember... every penny counts (no matter how small) !!
Thank you very much :)