AHOY have been supporting their community since 2003, helping thousands of disadvantaged youth and disabled adults achieve recognised qualifications whilst teaching valuable transferable skills through a medium of sailing, rowing and water based activities.
To support this great charity, I will be aiming to raise over £100 to join The AHOY's 100 Club - helping them to continue to provide hope and opportunities to disadvantaged and at-risk young people and disabled adults in the local community. I have signed up to run TWO marathons (totally crazy of me) - Brighton Marathon on Sunday 12 September & Virtual 2021 London Marathon on Sunday 3 October - will be a BIG challenge for me.
It would be great if you can support me and Ahoy, anything you are able to donate will help to change lives.
Words of an Apprentice: "If it wasn't for Ahoy I would be on the streets getting up to mischief, it's given me a career, which I can't thank them enough".
Thank you for your support.