Following my Breast Cancer diagnosis in Feb 2018 and after more than a year of gruelling treatment I decided to try running both to get fit and reduce the chance of reoccurrence and to raise much needed funds for Prevent Breast Cancer, I chose this charity for several reaaons . One is because two of my medical team responsible for me being here today and hopefully for many years to come founded and work tirelessly for Prevent so that fewer women in the future get this horrible diagnosis. Manchester 10K was my first event in May 2020 which ended up being a virtual run due to covid. I smashed it at just over 1hour and 3mins! You wonderful people supported me and we raised almost £3000. My running mojo disappeared at the back end of last year but with the help of my local running club I am back on the wagon and now in training for the Great North Run!!! I can't quite believe I am going to RUN A HALF MARATHON as I know without my BC diagnosis I probably wouldn't be running at all!!!
No donation is too small, I would be so grateful if you could Support me, Think of it as buying me a cup of coffee or forgoing your daily coffee. thank you for your support.
Why Run for Prevent? They are the only charity in the UK dedicated to the prediction and prevention of breast cancer. Unlike many cancer charities, they focus on preventing, rather than curing. Promoting early diagnosis, screening and lifestyle changes, they believe we can stop the problem before it starts. Every year, in the UK, over 55,000 individuals are diagnosed 150 people a day. And every year, we lose 11,500 to this disease. That is 11,500 too many. In fact, it is 55,000 too many. With your support we can help fight this disease together.