On the 14/04/18 Our Son Kai Scott was born at only 24 weeks and 3 days, Kai weighed 1lb 9.5oz. He fought very hard to be home with us after 119days.
Kai spent the first few months of his life in the Simpsons Neonatal ward at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, The staff there and the Bliss Team were amazing and Looked after us all as a family, they supported us through the most difficult of times. we could not have got through it without them.
We will never forget them all.
we finished Kai's hospital stay closer to home in the Border General hospital where they grew and cared for Kai beautifully and prepared him for coming home. We finally got home a little while after his due Date.
Kai’s journey still continues but is managed from Home , Kai has Chronic Lung Disease and has came home on oxygen but he is at home surrounded by the Love from his family and will grow
stronger each and everyday.
we decided before the colder weather come in we would like to hold a superhero walk for our family and friends, after all Kai is our forever Hero for getting to where he is Today.
We will be walking the journey from the Borders General hospital to our home address in galashiels. A journey we will never forget bringing our baby boy home.
we could not be prouder of him and our Family
I’ve chosen to fundraise for Bliss because I want to make a real difference to the 95,000 babies born premature or sick every year. Every donation that’s made to this page brings Bliss closer to ensuring that every baby born premature or sick in the UK has the best chance of survival and quality of life. Bliss does that by supporting parents to care for their babies, campaigning for better neonatal care and enabling life-changing research.
any donation no matter how small would mean the world to us. Truelly.
Thank you
Lots of Love Rachael xx