For anyone who knows anything about me - giving up sugar for a month is going to be one hell of a challenge... I have the sweetest tooth out there, but it seems so trivial compared to the experiences people are having right now - either living with Alzheimer's or supporting someone with the condition.
Both my Grandpa and my Ziede lived with dementia in the last years of their lives. It was so heartbreaking to watch them become completely different people and forget a whole life with your family, one that you value so much.
I have amazing memories with both of them. My Grandpa Simon passed away when I was young but I remember my confusion when I saw him go from his home, where he would play with me and my siblings, to a care home where I was soon not allowed to visit.
My Ziede Benny passed away recently and it was heart wrenching to watch a man so involved in my life forget who I and other family members were. We spent so much time together and were incredibly close, and I miss him every day.
I am raising funds to support research which could stop other families experiencing this unique type of grief. It is horrible to lose somebody twice, and I hope in the future we can find a cure.