Dear all friends and volunteers of Quest Overseas, Villa Maria, Peru project,
I would like to say a huge thanks and express my gratitude for all the help you have offered in our communities here in Villa Maria. The continued support helps us to reiterate our commitment to continue working with those families without many resources.
Many different factors affect life in Villa Maria, the current crisis in many homes is the cold weather that winter has brought. Many families without heating and insulation are severely affected. Those most affected are the children and the elderly.
In order to be able to help and offer supplies to these families, effort and good intention is not enough, we need to be able to count on more aid and help, and collaboration with these families is vital. This year we have only had one group of volunteers visit Villa Maria as opposed to the normal 2 and sometimes 3. The group worked arduously on different projects in Villa Maria.
The project in Villa Maria has grown substantially into several diverse projects and thanks to your continued contributions is able to continue developing.
Construction Project
Supporting those families with very low economic resources by helping them with the construction of a new house providing a secure and appropriate place to live.
Quest Overseas School Project
The school benefits those children that otherwise would not have the chance of attending school. They are educated with all the help and dedication they deserve. Those who helped contribute to the school made this project possible and are all partners of the school, as are all Villa Maria volunteers.
So this is why I have come to ask you for contributions to the project, who better to help than those that know the poverty and needs that those forgotten families in Villa Maria have. You all understand the help we need to be able to provide community activities such as Community Cinema, Family Sundays and Saturday fairs. Working in the communities with the children in sport and recreation and teaching them other skills whilst having fun. You have experienced and shared with them moving moments, when being welcomed into their homes, their lives and their community.
We have requested your support and economic help so we are able to continue working with these families who deserve to live a happy life and the children who deserve to keep on smiling.
We at Quest Peru, Alejandro, Danilo, Lucho and Martha, are continuing to work with and unite efforts with the leaders in England who look for means and strategies so that Villa Maria can continue with great success and work. We want you to share this experiece with your friends, families and those that you know so that we can be united over this noble cause and are able to obtain the funds that are necessary to be able to benefit more people in the communities.
We invite you to visit our page on You Tube, called Quest Overseas, so you are able to see some of the projects that take place here.
Otherwise you can visit for more information.
Alejandro and all at Quest Peru