This year I'll be running the London Marathon in of my late mother who received restbite care at Farliegh Hospice in 2006.
The work their fantastic staff do is a source of comfort and support for both their patients and families.
If I can be of any assistance to this organisation then it will be my honour to do so.
Please donate what you can, thank you.
Farleigh Hospice is a registered charity (no. 284670) which provides hospice care to people affected by life-limiting illnesses across mid Essex.They help patients to live as actively as possible from the point of diagnosis to the end of their life, by providing physical and emotional care, free of charge.With approximately 40% of their yearly running costs being funded by the local NHS, they rely on the support and goodwill of the local mid Essex community to contribute to the £16,039 it costs to provide their services each day.