Last week's winter storms devastated so many central Texas families. Many still do not have access to safe drinking water or nutritious food. This disaster compounds the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past year that has left so many facing uncertain economic circumstances.
While Austin musicians have been hit hard, they have a burning passion to share their art to raise money in order to help others that have also been impacted. The humanitarian crisis that has resulted from the winter storm has been a call to action for these musicians.
The hope is that as you enjoy their music, their art, their energy, you can likewise feel energized and moved to help the Central Texas Food Bank to provide nutritious meals to those in need by donating money. They are anticipating even greater need than has been seen during the pandemic while our vulnerable neighbors deal with the economic impacts from the storm, including home repair costs, lost wages due to business closures, and persisting supply chain issues with food retailers.
If you are able to donate today, you will be helping so many families and individuals to secure healthy, nutritious food. In January alone, the Central Texas Food Bank helped more than 364,000 individuals, which is more than 95,000 households across the 21 county service area.
Thank you for attending the concert and for advocating for our neighbors in need.