We have decided we want to raise money for a very worthy Charity in memory of our daughter Priya who we only had for a day.
In August 2015 we gave birth to our lovely baby girl, unfortunately due to complications we never got to bring her home. We only had her for a short time and we savour every cherished moment we had with her. That was only made possible because she was looked after at SCBU (Special Care Baby Unit) in Arrowe Park Hospital
Without the specialised equipment in SCBU, she would have been taken to another hospital and we wouldn't have seen or held her, and had that time with her. So we want to give back to the wonderful staff who looked after Priya and us in our time of need.
Therefore in August this year in Priya's memory we want to raise as much money as we can for SBCU so that this helps other babies and families in need. We are going to walk the South Wirral Circular Trail (60km) over 2 days which would have been her 5th birthday.
Last year almost 400 babies were born needing extra help in the first few days and weeks of their lives from the Neonatal Unit at Wirral Women and Childrens Hospital, Arrowe Park. WUTH Charity needs to raise £1.5 million to extensively refurbish the Neonatal Unit and we want to help!The money we raise will help tofund the refurbishment to the Neonatal Unit including world class medical equipment and enhanced parent facilities. We want to help raise the funds needed to provide the best possible Neonatal Unit for the babies and their families.