Covid 19 has brought difficulties for all of us, Women living through lockdown need a safe place to escape where they can live free from violence and abuse.
During the Pandemic we have seen an increase in women to our Charity in need of safe and confidential accommodation. Women made homeless as an alternative to living in fear and danger. A young woman reached out to WAITS though our website and let us know what was happening to her , it took a few days for her to build up her confidence to tell us her fear of being forced into marriage and the financial abuse she suffered by her parents. Concerned we called the police who removed her to safety. We would have liked to have supported her on her recovery journey, we had a lack of bed spaces, so we found her somewhere to go.
Help Women Acting In Todays Society (WAITS) to raise £10,000 towards opening a refuge for women fleeing domestic abuse. By signing up to the Walking a Mile in her shoes Challenge pledging to raise a minimum of £5