On 28 May, my beloved husband and best friend killed himself. Although he spent a lifetime battling his depression, and held on for as long as he could stay, he couldn't keep doing it anymore.
Suicide has such a terrible stigma - but it is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK. Not cancer. Not heart disease. It's suicide.
Yet mental health remains deeply under-funded, and there is no mystery as to why it affects men more than women - a fundamental conversation needs to happen around how we give men the love and support to talk about their vulnerabilities and fears.
CALM do incredibly important work to make that conversation happen. It bangs the drum tirelessly. So that's why I'm running this 10k with my friends (unfortunately not a half marathon as I'm recovering from tendinitis).
To say hello to Rob underneath a blue summer's sky, to tell him we love, honour and remember him, and his memory will go on to help someone desperately in need, someone who may, just may have the strength to reach out. And we owe it to them to hold our hand out in kindness and understanding.