If you know me, you'll know I love cold weather. Next year I'll be taking this to something of an extreme and travelling to the Arctic Circle to take part in three days of gruelling challenges to raise money for the National Literacy Trust. Maybe it'll finally put me off and turn me into a summer person - who knows? Either way, I've committed to freezing my butt off and hacking through some ice, among other things.
I've chosen to do this because the NLT's work is absolutely incredible. As Hachette's Head of Charitable Strategy I've seen the work they do first hand, and they're brilliant at helping both children and adults who struggle with reading and writing to become literate and to level up their lives. Some of the stats they have on literacy in the UK are absolutely shocking, and it's sobering to think about not being able to read and how fundamentally challenging it would make everyday life. Sadly, this is the reality for many people in this country, but the NLT are working so hard to turn this around. You can make a valuable contribution to this by paying me to push myself to my physical limits in the Arctic Circle. So please give generously!