I'm Anna and I'm taking part in the Race for Life Doncaster 2014 on 29/06/2014 to raise money for Cancer Research UK and I'd really appreciate your support.
Donating to my JustGiving page is easy - just follow this link and click Donate:
JustGiving sends your donation straight to Cancer Research UK so it’s a quick and safe way to donate.
Also please remember to click for Gift Aid as it adds 25% on to your donation at no cost to yourself.
Or simply text PNKS99 £2 to 70070, or what ever cash value you can afford. Nothing is to little. If every person at Glastonbury donated £1. Imagine the research that could fund and lives it could save.
Thank you x
And if anyone would like to join Team "Pinkpeaches", then please feel free to click
Thank you,
Anna xx
#glasto #Glastonbury