How awesome that I get to be a Team Captain for Big MS Run Off 2021!
After being diagnosed in June 2017 with MS, I was determined to not let that stop me from doing anything I wanted to do - including running. Since then, I've been working on accepting that sometimes it's okay to take a break and listen to my body when I need to. However, the Big MS Run Off 2021 has come at a time when I'm getting my strength back after a long & lingering relapse since the start of 2021. I'm excited for the month of November and to challenge myself to get back out running!
In the past 4 years, I have had 3 different treatments for MS - years ago this wouldn't have been possible and I'm thankful for the incredible work the MS Society does both for people living with and affected by MS, but also the research that the charity supports. Hopefully there will be a day when we can Stop MS.
Thank you for reading my story & supporting the MS Society.
Multiple Sclerosis is an unpredictable and incurable condition that affects someone's nervous system. It can attack suddenly or progress steadily, bringing a range of symptoms which can include vision problems, balance and muscle control issues, fatigue as well as cognitive issues. No-one with MS can be sure when or how it will affect them. More than 130,000 people in the UK have MS.