Hi everyone,
In November 2011 some 18 months ago I made a life changing decision to do something about my weight issues which were on the brink of making me seriously ill.
I came to this decision because it was someting i wanted to do for myself because there are no quick fixes for problems like that, now through 18 months of never losing sight of my hopes I have shed for good the 17 stone of excess weight which has cursed me for too long
Thats why now, after everything I have done and strived for over the last 18 months I have re-focused into trying to help others.
The subject of cancer is normally an area people tend to avoid, but sadly this illness will not fade away nor disappear without research and development of a cure, this costs money.
We all have known, or know somebody whose life has been effected by cancer in one way or another, I myself lost my mother and father to the illness and believe me there is nothing worse than watching that person fade away because a cure is not yet available.
I like most people are aware that times are hard for a lot of people theses days, but any sponsorship you can do will help towards my goal.
We can beat this ilness once and for all,
I intend in the last few weeks to see as many friends as I can hoping for sponsorship because not everyone likes to contribute online.