"I will be running the London Marathon in April for Macmillan Cancer Support. In the last few months two family friends lost their fight with Cancer and we are going to dedicate our marathon to them and for the families they have left behind. Macmillan nurses are not just there for those diagnosed with cancer, they are also there to help the families who have to deal with the loss of the most important people in their lives.
We are all affected by cancer and we can all help. If you can donate £1 or £100. If you can sell something you no longer want on ebay and donate the profit. If you can bake some cupcakes, do a sponsored naked cycle, skydive, swimathon, whatever, every little helps. I'm going to try and do my little bit, 26 miles and 385 yards to be exact and I would really appreciate your support.
This is for you Alyson and Graeme. And for you Grandma, because although I was only little when you went, it doesn't get any easier. Please help us improve the lives of those living with cancer."
A little about Team Thompson
Rose is a first time marathoner! Training has now started in earnest, in order to compare progress Rose has created a run by run training blog, check it out - link below.
Visit Rose's training blog :
Also we would like to say a big Thank You to our support team and running partners Jon, Sue (Mum) & Rushden Runners.
We are all affected by cancer. We can all help. We are Macmillan.