2016 will be remembered by many, and none more than Fraud
and their Colleague Phil Vickers.
Phil was diagnosed with Cancer on his vocal cord which
required specialist treatment within Northampton General Hospital –
Radiotherapy Department. It was fortunate that the treatment was successful,
however whilst the outcome is good news there is clearly still a long way to go
before Phil gets the ‘all clear’.
It is now our intention to raise money to support this specialist
area of treatment and help others who find themselves in a similar position. As
the Oncology Department at Northampton General Hospital establish themselves a
‘centre of excellence’ our aim is to hopefully raise as much as possible with a
target of £10,000 to support their ambitions and that of the Northamptonshire
Health Charitable Fund.
Stuart Fox along with his Senior Management Team are
undertaking a 100 mile cycle trip along the South Downs Way commencing 15th
June 2017 which is no mean feat as stabilisers will not be allowed and it also
brings another trimester to the ‘Transaction Cycle’!
Please support us in achieving our target.