Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. The article below from the Heartbeat charity says it all.
Title: Phil Reece returns to The Great Manchester Run!
Meet Phil Reece, aged 55 from Clayton le Woods, an advanced Heartbeat class member.
In May 2017 Phil took part in The Great Manchester 10k run, when something went wrong with the finishing line in sight. At 9.6k into the run Phil collapsed, luckily for Phil right in front of a paramedic. The paramedics performed CPR and used the defibrillator before rushing him to Manchester Royal hospital.
Phil was diagnosed with a bisuspid aortic valve and had to have surgery to place a new generation metal valve into his heart.
Phil spent the following 10 days in hospital and then returned home where his recovery began.
Phil said –
“I am very grateful to the paramedics that saved my life when I collapsed during the run. I was so lucky they acted so quickly. I was aware that I had a defective valve, however had no idea I was putting myself at risk by running in the event.
With regard to the surgery, I am so grateful to the surgeon Mr Bilal and all the medical staff at the MRI for their care through to recovery.”
Phil was quickly on his feet when he returned home from hospital and started a 10-week rehabilitation course through the NHS. He then started his rehab journey with Heartbeat, firstly joining a class at Clayton Green where he started to build in confidence and become fit enough to move to Heartbeats advanced class at Heartbeat HQ based at PNE.
Phil said –
“I feel I have unfinished business with the Great Manchester 10k Run, so now I am fixed and feeling fit I will be taking part in 2019! I will be running in aid of Heartbeat. They have been fantastic in supporting me through my recovery, not only making me strong enough physically, but for giving me my confidence back. I can’t wait to cross that finishing line, this time I will get my medal!
Lisa Riding Heartbeat fundraiser said –
“On behalf of all us here at Heartbeat I would like to wish you well in the run this year! You will smash it! We are so grateful to you for supporting Heartbeat. Nobody deserves that medal more than you Phil! To sponsor Phil visit his JustGiving page “
Heartbeat supports over 900 local people per week just like Phil and have been rehabilitating heart patients and those at risk for over 40 years. Your support is needed now more than ever before, so if you would like to take on a challenge just like Phil contact the fundraising team today on 01772 717147 or email