Dear Readers
I am doing this for the little children in the mountains.My Mum toke me to visit schools in the Hight Atlas Mountains .I was very sad because i saw classrooms where there are no bathrooms, no heating and no proper walling or glass on the windows. Winters are very very cold up there , it is even difficult to write with their hands so cold .We can make their learning more enjoyable . They have poor parents that can't make a difference but we can.We can change there lives.
To raise money I am also going to do the following:
- I am going to be vegan for a week.
- A sponsored litter pick.
- I am going to do jobs for anyone that needs help
- A sponsored danceathon where I will dance for three hours non stop.
- A raffle.
I will update this page if i have dates or venues and I will maybe add some more events later. Thank you so much for your time and help.
Stella Lurdes Skinner