Hi all. This year in aid of ‘Tyneside & Northumberland Mind’ ( I'm going to help raise funding for them so that they can continue to support people of our region who suffer from mental health issues as well as providing training and also raising awareness of mental health.
I bet all of you know at least one person who has directly or indirectly suffered from mental health issues, it could be stress or depression related, anxiety or they could’ve decided that they wanted to take their own life. A friend of mine took his own life a while ago, this was also around the time that I was going through my own issues, I had someone to talk to and got help but there are loads of people out there that don’t get help, but it is out there.
That’s why on the 30th of December I am shaving my hair off all the way down to the wood as well as having a wet shave, then I’ll be leaving it to do its thing for a full year. So throughout the year you’ll all be able to see the change that ids happening to me on the outside, but mental health is hard to see and in a year you may not see the changes to a
close friend or loved one.
Lookout for a vid on the 30th of the planned hair loss.