Tonight I was sitting watching the TV (being in lockdown nothing else to do) I see for the first time Marie Curies current advert - Lyn has terminal cancer whilst everything else at the moment is on hold her cancer unfortunately isnt. This advert hit home and upset me because as many of you know my mum passed away last year from cancer. I began to think about how my family were able to spend precious time with mum, and that some people in the light of COVID are not going to be able to.
I cant thank Marie Curie enough for their help during mums sickness they were able to come in and tenderly care for mum whilst giving my sisters and I much needed respite. It costs £20 to provide one hour of nursing care and if I can raise even just a little bit to repay even some of the hours that marie curie were able to spend helping my family, I would be happy that I could help as they helped us.
To celebrate International Nurses Day on 12th May. I want to thank these heroic nurses. I want other families to be able to benefit from these wonderful nurses.
For all my friends I ask you to donate a little of what could spare as we are in lockdown we are not having to spend money on our normal luxuries or fuel to get work, eating out, going to the pub etc. Could you spare a little extra to donate to Marie Curie in their hour of need so that other people can benefit from the special care
In return I intend to walk from my house to the Marie Curie shop on lanark High street 20 times over the course of May 2020 (20 times to represent £20 per hour for nurse). This is exactly 1 mile there and 1 mile back so each outing will be a 2 mile round trip. In total I will be walking 40miles (this is my target but if I able I will do more).. for some you might think this is easy but I am not the fittest person and did I mention 1 mile of that will be uphill!!! Please friends ..I have so many people here on facebook and so many people need the care and attention that the Marie Curie nurses can support , especially now more than ever .
Thank you xx