I'm back in Cyprus helping at our Dignity Centre and can really see how tough it is for people here. They have had to leave their countries in search of a better life but life is still a huge struggle.
They've overcome many barriers to get here but still face an uncaring bureaucracy and a lot of local hostility.
Our Dignity Centre helps them with food, CVs and form filling in the first month of their arrival in the city. It's the first step in helping them to rebuild their own lives. And the only place in the country offering this kind of support.
So while governments are making things harder for refugees, we know that people are generous.
Please donate to help us keep the Centre running. And to keep me walking through the night from Brighton to Arundel with fellow supporters Bea and Alison!
(Don't pay any of Justgiving costs - they really don't need it! At the payment page, select Other and 0)