Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page. Please help me raise money for charity from this extraordinary challenge!
Each £ or € donated online through my Justgiving page, will support a great cause and will make my trial more worthwhile. Go to
Please share this among your generous friends and encourage them to contribute too!
About the challenge
The Lakeland 50 & 100 is dubbed “The UK’s Premier Ultra Trail Race”. It starts and finishes in Coniston in the UK Lake District (NW England) over the weekend of 27th & 28th of July. The 50 runs alongside the second half of the 100. 50 UK miles means 80km and includes 3000 metres or 10000 feet of ascent. Find more information at
I have raced just once before – 10km in 2011. Since then, 7 years of no running until I started training, gently, in October 2018. I joined some public 10km runs in December. It takes time to mobilise an old body like mine! You can follow my progress on Strava.
About the charities
Crohn’s and Colitis UK provides a range of services for those with inflammatory bowel disease. This invisible illness can be extremely debilitating both physically and mentally. The charity provides support for sufferers and their families in their daily problem management, and is a great resource of information about research and treatment. Lots of information at
About JustGiving
JustGiving is“the world’s most trusted platform for online giving”. Founded in 2001 theyhave helped people in 164 countries raise over $4.5billion. Find my 'team' page here and see the other charities I am supporting. You can select any of three here!
Your contributions will go directly to the charities.