Thank you for taking the time to read my story….. thank you for donating whatever you can spare… 👍
So here’s my story….. and I take no offence if you just skip to the end and hit [DONATE]… 😉
At the start of 2021, I started losing weight - quite a lot of weight, and pretty quickly, my eyesight was really poor, and I generally felt a bit cr@p……. I eventually gave in and phoned the docs. After talking to the GP, they sounded pretty keen to see me… 😂
The next day, my GP told me I had Type 1 Diabetes and I would have it for the rest of my life….. 45mins later, I was in hospital injecting myself with insulin for the first time….. now, after another 7,000+ injections, life is a little different - for me and my family.
I'm firmly of the mindset that Diabetes won't stop me doing anything, everything will be the same as it was....…. but at the same time, everything is different…… every time I eat, drink, sleep, walk, run, drive, go to work, leave the house……first thought in the morning, last thought at night. It can be a challenge, it can be frustrating, it affects my mood, it affects my friends and family, and occasionally it makes me act like a real d*ck!!...... I have to apologise more than I used to…
Being able to do everything with diabetes, being able to contemplate the London Marathon, is only possible because of the amazing people at Diabetes UK - the resources they provide, the research they have done, the policy-changing breakthroughs and campaigns that they continue to lead, which end up being life-changing for every person with diabetes, every day….. so I’m running for them to say thank you, and to support them so that they can keep on making the difference to every person with diabetes, and every person that will ever have diabetes.
Before being diagnosed, I was still trying to run despite feeling awful - but I wasn't making it to the end or I was cutting my runs short, something I had never done before. It's quite possible that those failed runs saved my life, or at least allowed me to walk into hospital instead of arriving in an ambulance…. so what better way to mark 2 years since diagnosis (and turning 40) than running the most famous race on the planet… actually there are loads of better ways I can think of…. What was I thinking!!!!!!
❤️ 🙏 THANK YOU 🙏 ❤️