On the 30th of August 2013 my little 7 year old nephew Nephew Lucas sadly passed away! Lucas was at home when he died, his family were at his bedside.
Lucas had a brainstem tumour.Prior to his diagnosis only 12 months earlier, Lucas was a normal, healthy and happy little boy. This made what happened all the more unbelieveable! It was every parents worse nightmare!!
Lucas amazed us with his bravery and the strenght he showed dealing with this illness and leading as normal a life as possible through it all! He was always smiling. He never moaned, well other than saying "what hospital again" and despite everything, owing to the support of some wonderful organisations and people (MacMillan Nurses,The Royal Manchester Children's Hospital and 'Wish Upon a Star' to name a few) and the treatment he was given at 'Christies', he was able to enjoy some wonderful times with his family and friends, moments that are precious and that they will always treasure!
I hope that you can sponsor me and help to raise money in Lucas's memory. His Mum and Dad, his family and friends, are determined to try to help others who are sadly diagnosed with Brain Cancer in the future. His Mum and Dad have chosen to support the charity; 'Brainstrust'. The money raised will be donated to them and used to fund new research into treatment for Brain Cancer, so that when other family's are given the worst possible news, it will hopefully give them the opportunity to enjoy more time together! Lucas passed away all too young and too quickly but without research and then treatment, it would not have been possible for him, his family and friends to do so much in his last year. This extra time together was priceless!!
We also hope that donations will help fund reaseach will lead to finding cures for some forms of Brain Cancer in the future.
I know we all get asked to sponsor this person and that, who is raising money for this and that,then there is 'Children in Need', Comic Relief, Sport Relief and so on! All good causes and I know you cannot give to everything, but chose to sponsor me and donate to 'Brainstrust' this year!!
If I can present them with a cheque in Lucas's memory, his Mum and Dad will be so pleased to know that they will help others in the future and Lucas can also be remebered in this way.
Oh and if it makes you feel better, I will be going through quite a lot of pain and suffering to raise some money in memory of Lucas, so surely that is worth something?! All you have to do is make a donation!! Please !!