Firstly, I would like to thank you for taking the time to look at my Just Giving page; and I thought I’d give you a bit of a background as to why I’m taking part in running the London Marathon. I have always wanted to run the Marathon, and something happened this year that made me even more determined to take part. Now, anyone that knows me, knows I have never really been into sport and keeping fit, so this is going to be a big task, but one I am confident I can complete…
In June this year, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Luckily for me, it was caught in the early stages (all by chance), and have no further symptoms, just needing regular check-up’s to monitor me. You always think “it will never happen to me”, but in fact, for me it did. It makes you re-evaluate what is important in life, and that your health is key - without your health, everything else is made all the more difficult and challenging.
I thought long and hard - what would be the best way to stay personally motivated and what would keep me on track in completing this mammoth task; and I felt running for a charity would give me the biggest drive and make the biggest difference all round. Most would think after being diagnosed with cancer, you would run for a charity supporting cancer, however, I have taken a different approach, and focused on a different cause. I have been really impressed with the charity Hope for Children and the work they are undertaking in helping put underprivileged children through education and supporting the beginning of their journey through life. Having two young children of my own, who are lucky enough to be being educated at a school of our choice and having access to everything they could possibly need to enhance their experiences in their young lives; I felt it was only fitting to support Hope for Children and help use my extended network of family, friends, colleagues and clients to raise a substantial amount of money to support this fantastic charity, enabling these children to receive the best possible start in life.
I kindly ask you to read up on Hope for Children’s impressive work, dig deep and show your support with helping me raise money for this wonderful cause.
Paul Hamilton