Hi everyone!
Thank you for checking out my page. I'm doing the Alberta Culver Run4fun on Wednesday evening with Claire's son Harry who's 10yrs.It's 5km (3.1miles) and although it doesn't sound far it's so important to us that we complete it. Until recently i've never done anything for a charity or been touched directly or indirectly by cancer, but recently a very dear friend of Claire's and mine was diagnosed with it. So if me taking part on Wednesday and huffing and puffing round the course could change or maybe help save a life then i'm all for that!
Once you have read this page please ask your friends to log on and sponser us. Even the smallest donation helps.
Harry and I will do the running and have a laugh at the same time.
Please log back on to see how we have done and look at the photos of us, it could get very messy!
The run starts at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th May so please come and cheer us on.
Thank you
Paul and Harry