Hello all.
I’m running two events covering 30k across consecutive weekends on 26th September and 3rd October 2021 for Mind (UK mental health charity)
The first is in Blackpool - a town in Lancashire where I lived for many years and live quite close to now. The second is in Carlisle, Cumbria where I grew up.
Why have I chosen Mind? Well I have struggled with my mental health since my teenage years and I have often suffered in silence due to the stigma attached. The truth is that I’ve only quite recently started to feel comfortable talking about it.
It’s been a struggle at times, but I’m pleased to say that with support, I’ve made huge leaps and I’m starting to get there. 😀
Did you know that 1 in 4 people will suffer a mental health problem of some kind in England each year? The chances are you will know someone close who has been affected, even if you haven’t yourself.(source Mind UK).
Which leads me to my final message. If you are struggling, don’t do so in silence like I did for years. Speak to friends, visit Mind’s website (lots of great advice on there) speak to a GP - there is support out there and more than I have just listed. Remember you are not alone.
Thanks for reading and stopping by - any donations will be gratefully received, no matter how small.
Paul x