I am running the 2021 Great North Run because I want to defeat meningitis and septicaemia wherever they exist.
My story began 14 years before Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) was founded. I contracted Meningococcal Meningitis on 27th Dec 1975 at the age of 3. With no support network and having both lost their mothers to cancer whilst teenagers it was a very traumatic time for my parents. I left hospital with partial deafness and told I may suffer mood swings.
My problems really began at High School. I had so much time off the wagman (truant officer) ran off with the lady 2 doors down. I was sent to a child psychiatrist aged 13 because I didn't like school. The psychiatrist decided I was okay and gave me 2 days a week off for the rest of term. If only MRF had been around then. Nothing changed and at 15 with constant threats of being put in a home I had had enough. I latched the front door , tied a rope around the stair bannister put my head through the noose and kicked the chair away. Almost immediately my sisters friend walked through the back door (I thought it was locked) and got me down. My parents only found this out recently. I left school as soon as I could with poor grades.
However my life has continued to be blighted by mood swings. I have been to some dark places and I don't just mean the loft to hide from my mom so I didn't have to go to school. Low esteem leads to depression and suicidal thoughts. A few years back I started reading about the after effects of Meningitis. The more I read on the MRF website and other peoples stories the more my life and constant struggles made sense. My mother assumed my problems were over 40 odd years ago but when we showed her the website she finally understood and has been very supportive. Unfortunately my father still believes I was cured when I left hospital which has led to numerous disagreements. The subject is now taboo. Luckily I do have the support of close family and friends. The last time I had had enough I asked for help. If anyone deserves a medal at the end of this it's my partner Jackie because I guarantee without continued support I probably wouldn't be here.
There have been many tears shed. In fact if Timberlake wants a river give him my number. To anybody struggling please ask for help. I will sit and listen and cry with anyone. Although you may have to speak up especially if you have a mask on as I lip read. I am looking forward to meeting up with the Meningitis family who I am sure will inspire me. Not only during the run but hopefully the rest of my life.
The World Health Organisation and MRF are creating a global task force with the aim of creating a world free of Meningitis by 2030. With your support we can achieve this goal. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Your donations and support are very much appreciated. Keep strong. Let's create a better world free of Meningitis.