So it started as a mad idea..... a little googling and before you know it BOOM , me and a couple of like minded errrrr lets say "Action Hero's" have booked a trip to climb the worlds highest Freestanding Mountain, Kilimanjaro..............What WERE we thinking !!!!
Once we had booked it and got a little excited our world was flipped suddenly when we lost Dave's Mum Sheila. A short while afterwards my Dad Roger passed away through illnesses complicated by Diabetes.
Our trip is ENTIRELY self funded, so ALL donations go to the charity. We are only asking for donations to use this opportunity as a way of helping others. Times are tough , that is true, but ANYTHING you can give would help.
You can donate as little or as much as you wish, knowing that thanks to the way Gift Aid works, for every £10 I raise, the charities will recieve £11.74.
In short, a few clicks from you and we'll climb the 19'000 ft Mountain..... sounds fair I reckon !