On the 25th of November I, along ,with many others, will sleep out rough, in support of St Basils. an amazing charity that works with young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, to enable them to find and keep a home, grow their confidence, develop their skills, increase opportunities and prevent homelessness.
Here at St Basils we recognise that the causes of youth homelessness are a combination of intertwined individual and structural factors.
Structural factors putting pressure on young people or their families | Individual factors affecting the young person or their family |
On Friday 25th November hundreds of people will volunteer to sleep out for a night to help raise money for the youth homeless charity St Basils. These vital funds will go directly to stopping a vulnerable young person having to experience rough sleeping for real by accommodating them, starting the valuable process of helping them take control of their lives and ultimately enabling them to become valuable contributors to our society. Please give what you can.