A few months ago I set up a JG page which many of you
donated to-thank you for your generosity. That page/effort was to commit to a series of 5k and 10k races during 2019 with a view to a half marathon in memory of Bernie Connolly, a co-trustee of FFK, who died last year.
Sadly, while finally getting under 30 minutes (just) for 5k, my aged body and replacement hip has firmly said ‘no’ to any longer distances. Ever.
A bit annoyed about this so instead I am setting up this page to raise money for same charity (FFK) and same memory (Bernie) to run the FFK 5k race on June 13th with my mate Dave Setters. The slight difference is that he has MND and wheelchair bound so it will be a push more than a run. Dave used to be a trustee of FFK so it all makes sense.
Neither of us have done this before so it will be trial and error and am sure we shall have some laughs in training and on the day. After this run I’m resigning from FFK so this will be the last ‘ask’ from me so give generously if you can. Probably one of the most stupid things I have ever decided to do and I have insisted Dave goes on a diet immediately.
PS If any of you wants to join us in the race please do: