Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
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You can donate by sending a simple text via Vodafone's JustTextGiving or via this web page. The best way to donate is via text as Vodafone will match the first £100 of Text donations as I work for them ! If you use Vodafone's JustTextGiving the donation will be added to your phone bill.
Simply text my code : SMEE77 followed by the amount you wish to donate to the number 70070 (See picture at bottom of page for example!)
Now the real question …Why ? Why should you handover your hard earned cash to sponsor me...there are lots of good causes out there....simply put because every penny you donate will probably be the most hard earned donation you sponsor this year.
Cycling 300 Miles ! It’s like Terry Wogan doing a Triathlon ... not a pretty sight ... and in no way a guaranteed outcome. I signed up for this with 5 weeks and 3 days to prepare, went out that very night cycled 21 miles and realised just how big the challenge was. That Saturday I bought a road bike at 9am in a state of panic, cycled 52 miles...and nearly died.
Since then sheer terror has pushed me to cycle / train 6 days a week. I've lost 10 Kilos , and my best friends in the world are now padded shorts and sudo cream...oh and baby wipes. The sheer joy of those ..I digress.
To date the furthest outing has been 80 miles...this challenge is 3 days of 100 miles each day after the other. I will earn your money and you can relish in the fact this time the gobby Irish fellow has truly bitten off more than he can chew! But I promise you I will give it everything to get there.
Most of us know someone affected or lost to cancer, some are taken from us tragically young or suffer a painful end. This is your chance to help contribute to the brilliant work that Macmillan Cancer Support carry out. I like to think if those I lost were still with me, I would be spending the money donated sharing a drink or dinner with them enjoying their company ... a lovely way to remember those lost.
This One is for you Michelle.